TLC Book Tour – Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls

Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls:  A Novel of International Intrigue, Pork-Crazed Termites, and Motherhood by Gary Buslik

Published:  2012 by Solas House Fiction

Source:  Received from the author for review

I’ll admit it – I have a dark sense of humor sometimes.  I know that I find things funny that are just strange, but I can’t help myself.  That said, I was prepared for some good laughs when I was offered the opportunity to review this novel with such an intriguing title – it sounded so wrong but ripe for hilarity.

The basic premise of the novel:  Akhmed, the president of Iran, has succeeded in combining two of his favorite things – matzo ball soup and world domination – by having his scientists create a radioactive matzo ball.  Together with his cronies, the leaders of Venezuela and Cuba, he hatches a plan to get the hot matzo balls into Miami and destroy the evil empire that is the United States.

Meanwhile, Professor Leslie Fenwich is contacted by his old flame, Diane, who announces that he is the father of her daughter who is about to be married and insists on having both of her parents present at the wedding.  And by the way, in defiance of her upbringing and genetic makeup, she has become — *gasp* — Conservative.

There is another plotline surrounding the pork-crazed termites of the subtitle but I didn’t really get the origin of that one.

And sadly, I didn’t get the whole novel at all.  All three plotlines come together in meandering, wacky ways, but frankly it was a struggle to read and complete.    Fenwich is an English professor and all of his dialogue is full of multi-syllabic words that I would have needed a dictionary to understand had I cared enough to want to know what he was saying.  In fact there were several passages of the books that were simply long lists – after the first few items I got the point.   And I understand that a novel with this plot needs to be over the top, but for me it was too over the top.

Be sure to visit the other stops on the blog tour for this book.

About bibliosue

Avid reader
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8 Responses to TLC Book Tour – Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls

  1. Leeswammes says:

    Funny novels can definitely be hit or miss (see my review of today). I am wondering what I would make of the book, but to be fair, I don’t think I would have accepted it for review in the first place (I’m very choosy).

    • bibliosue says:

      I probably shouldn’t have accepted it either, Judith, but I was really intrigued by the title. I’ve learned my lesson 🙂

  2. zibilee says:

    I love absurdist literature, but this sounds like it might have been a little much for me. I still would be interested in giving it a look over, but the bit about the lists is probably more than I can handle. Thanks for the honest review. Sorry this one didn’t work for you!

  3. That’s too bad, this one sounds like it could be really funny. The title is awesome.

  4. Pingback: Gary Buslik, author of Akhmed and the Atomic Matzo Balls, on tour April/May 2012 | TLC Book Tours

  5. This kind of humor is tricky – it doesn’t work for everyone. I’m sorry to see that this book wasn’t the right fit for you, but thanks for being on the tour!

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