The Story Hour – TLC Book Tour

The Story Hour (2)

I know this will sound strange, but Thrity Umrigar is an author whose work I love yet I often forget about her.  On the on hand, I am ashamed of this, but on the other it makes me that much more excited when I hear she has a new novel!  I was therefore thrilled to be given the opportunity to participate in the tour for Umrigar’s newest release, The Story Hour.

The novel is set in an unnamed American college town and is about the relationship between Lakshmi, an Indian immigrant who has attempted suicide, and Maggie, the psychologist charged with her care in the hospital.  As Lakshmi is released and continues treatment with Maggie in her private practice, the lines between their professional and personal relationships begin to blur.  And as they do, secrets that each woman keeps hold a deeper significance to the state of their relationship.

I really enjoyed reading this novel, and I especially enjoyed the evolution of Lakshmi’s character as the story progressed.   She tells her side of the story in alternating chapters, and makes very honest observations on how she sees things (in describing the activities of an older woman for whom she cleans house, Lakshmi says “All white hair but she swim and go jog, which means to run for no reason.” Ain’t that the truth? 🙂 ).

I still can’t decide how I feel about Maggie, though; she certainly helped Lakshmi through a difficult time, but without spoiling the plot I can’t explain any further.

For other opinions about The Story Hour, make sure to visit the other stops on this tour.


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About bibliosue

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4 Responses to The Story Hour – TLC Book Tour

  1. Mystica says:

    I was thinking whether the broken English spoken by Lakshmi was almost excessive.

  2. Nice review.
    I am on the blog tour as well. I enjoyed this book. Ms. Umrigar writes books that make you think. I loved The Space Between Us too.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Silver’s Reviews

  3. Pingback: Thrity Umrigar, author of The Story Hour, on tour August/September 2014 | TLC Book Tours

  4. I know exactly what you mean about loving an author but forgetting about him/her – I do the same thing more often than I’d like to admit.

    Thanks for being a part of the tour and rediscovering your love of this author.

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