Macbeth Readalong


I shouldn’t really admit this, but during the work day I will occasionally spend a few moments on Twitter (I’m @bibliosue) to take a break and interact with my bookish friends.  One day I was “eavesdropping” on a conversation between Adam of Roof Beam Reader and Judith from Leeswammes about Shakespeare and the suggestion of a readalong came up.  Adam suggested that Macbeth would be a good choice to read in October, so here we are!

I read Macbeth in high school a long (long, long) time ago and it probably is my favorite Shakespeare play.  My English teacher put our class into groups and we were assigned to dramatize different scenes of the play, and in my group I was given the role of Macbeth and I had to memorize several soliloquies (which I thought at the time were huge, but now looking at the play again they weren’t so long).  I think this made me appreciate the play more than if I just had to read it.

(We did have to videotape our performance — and this was back in the 1980s! — but I am relatively certain that this is not something that will go viral on YouTube anytime soon)

The plan is to read one act per week, beginning on October 1st.  There are many editions of the play available – my library didn’t have a standalone copy so I am reading from a Complete Works of Shakespeare (and getting some weighlifting in – it is heavy!) – so pick one that is most convenient and join us! 

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4 Responses to Macbeth Readalong

  1. Pingback: Macbeth Readalong | Leeswammes' Blog

  2. Leeswammes says:

    Yay! I’ve got the DVD already and I’ve reserved the book at the library – I’m looking forward to reading this with you and Adam, and hopefully a few more people. My post is here:

  3. A.M.B. says:

    I also read Macbeth in high school, which was a long time ago. I’ve also seen it performed a few times. It’s great! I hope you enjoy re-reading it!

  4. major atheist says:

    I re-read MacBeth a couple of years age (I greatly enjoy Shakespeare) and though I don’t think it is his greatest work, it is one of his best. I’m glad it is being read, and I will read along with you.

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